I must say I love experimenting with all kinds of potions (natural and healthy ones
of course )and have fun mixing ” super foods” into my day or smoothies ( foods that have “super” concentrated nutrients, minerals, vitamins) like spirulina, maca root, reishi mushrooms, Blue Green Algae and goji berries to name a few…And I know many who claim their power and who have enjoyed great “boosts’ from them too… But we needn’t spend a ton of money or time to track down some exotic berry when we have Fantastic superfoods right in our own back yard- or at least right at our grocery store around the corner!
Here’s my TOP PICKS for SUPERFOODS right in your hood:
1-Leafy Greens:
KALE, WATERCRESS, COLLARDS (the best!), MUSTARD GREENS, TURNIP GREENS, SPINACH, ROMAINE…All of these are PACKED with phyt0-nuturients, minerals and major healing properties….Just remember to rotate them!
2- Berries:
STRAWBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, BLUEBERRIES pack a MAJOR PUNCH in the nutritional ring- and they’re so yummy! I love to make smoothies with a green from above and some of these berries. Just try your best to use organic ones as berries are one of the most sprayed crop. (Costco often has great deals on organic frozen berries if you can’t find fresh).
Other Grrrreat fruits and veggies TOPS on the “Bang for Buck” scale:
Plums, Cucumbers, Celery, Bell Peppers (must be organic and use red, yellow, orange as green are unripe).
Cabbage, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Sprouts, Lemons, Apples, Cherries (last 2 must be organic as also oversprayed).
And then right in your cabinet/fridge some SUPER immune system boosters like:
Garlic, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric (if you don’t have this great spice grab some and sprinkle on your veggies to super immune system power!), basil, oregano…
So there you go- a good list of produce to have on hand for Super Health. Of course there are OODLES of varieties of fruit and veggies to try and enjoy- go for it- have fun experimenting!
Lots of recipes coming soon.
Blessings, Health and Big Hugs to You!
Thank you for the information! I think it will be useful.
Hi there! Thanks for your note and you’re so welcome. Love to hear how it goes for you, best!