
Praise for Berrnadette’s Work:

“My intuitive session with Berrnadette was a mind blow. I was speechless as she told me things about my life that resonated on a very deep level.  I left the session feeling a huge sense of empowerment, clarity and assurance about my life’s path.  It was both affirming and instructive.  I am a raving fan and recommending sessions with her to everyone I care about. Thank you, Berrnadette! ~ Jeanne Demers, Arts Educator and Creator of TheRubyBooks.org

“Berrnadette is one of the most genuine, gifted and compassionate individuals I know.  No matter what challenge or life situation you are facing, Berrnadette’s wisdom, laser-sharp intuition and vast knowledge of the body, will propel you to the next level of success you are seeking.~Peggy Rometo, Intuitive Healer, Psychic-Medium, Reiki Master, Hay House radio host of ‘Intuitive Insights” and author of “The Little Book of Big Promises” peggyrometo.com

“Berrnadette is the Sun, Moon and the Stars.  She knows how to clarify and unify your Mind, Body and Spirit like no other, and that is exactly what I needed! “ ~ Cornelia Guest, Activist and spokesperson for animals and nature since she was a child. Her passion is reflected in every aspect of her life including her philanthropy,   fashion design and business enterprises. Cornelia Guest 

Berrnadette gives the term “Self Care” a completely new meaning for me. I love her unique approach. She combines a deep knowledge of  the body and mind, with her spot-on intuitive abilities, to get an accurate idea of what would best serve me. I’ve already seen a big difference in the quality and amount of energy I have, and a definite shift in the way my body looks. Berrnadette has an uncanny ability and innate wisdom to bring all the pieces of your life together in a conscious way. Through working with her I understand myself and my circumstances with deep clarity, and leave every session energized, focused and inspired.   Helen Kim, Conscious Wealth,  Hay House Radio Host, Founder of www.YourMoneyRelationship.com

“I’ve never felt more happy, healthy, energetic, sexy! Plus, I’ve lost weight – 8 pounds! The tricks how to do this come from my new coach — Berrnadette Penotti – of the famed “Vibrant Body By Penotti” celebrity trainer and health and well-being coach (The lucky ones who’ve worked with her include Kate Beckinsdale, Bruce Willis, Jake Weber, Melanie Griffith…and now little me — who is becoming an even “littler” me under her auspices!) ~ Karen Salmansohn is a best selling author/designer and founder of notsalmon.com a site to help people live their happiest life. Some of her best selling books: HOW TO BE HAPPY DAMMIT, PRINCE HARMING SYNDROME and THE BOUNCE BACK BOOK!

“Berrnadette rocks… she is articulate, clear and accurate. Her years of study and passion come through in every reading, workshop and intuitive counseling session. She is a good teacher and offers solid guidance peppered with inspiration. She also practices what she preaches…which I find very refreshing and affirming.”~ Joan Dwyer,  Founder and Director,  All That Matters Holistic Health and Yoga Center ~ Leading holistic yoga and health center of New England.

“I have been searching for a gifted and intuitive counselor for years and I’ve finally found her. Her name is Berrnadette…yes, two “r’s”. She gave me the most accurate readings and insight into how to best use my talents. It was an incredible. It gave me such focus and comfort to have the clarity of her intuitive wisdom. Thank you Berrnadette!” ~Michelle F.Williams, President, The Michelle Williams Group and “Ahead of the Curve”~ New York Consulting Agency for the Beauty Industry

“Berrnadette is amazing. She’s a wise, caring and jaw-dropping accurate intuitive advisor and coach. She also helped me get my body back in shape with a couple simple and fast-acting steps. Berrnadette is the real deal, and I turn to her wise guidance again and again. ~Kathrine Narducci, Actress (Power, The Sopranos, A Bronx Tale, Entourage, Law and Order)

“Berrnadette’s intuitive sessions are awesome. They are a perfect mix of intuition, science and inspiration. Berrnadette is a expert and committed practitioner and this comes through in all her readings.”~Chrystina Hanson, Photo Stylist, NYC, San Francisco and Minneapolis

*More from Karen Salmohnson’s recent newsletter:

“Detox Your Way To A Happier Healthier, Sexier YOU ala Berrnadette!”

In the last 4 weeks I turned over a new leaf. Actually, to be specific, I’ve turned over lots and lots of new spinach leaves. I’ve been detoxing – and I’ve never felt more happy, healthy, energetic, sexy!  Plus, I’ve lost weight – 8 pounds! And so I wanted to share my Detox Secrets – so you too can feel more happy, healthy, energetic, sexy – and slimmer – within 30 days!

These 3 great tips come from my new coach— Berrnadette Penotti – of the famed “Vibrant Body By Penotti” celebrity trainer and health and well-being coach (The lucky ones who’ve worked with her include Kate Beckinsdale, Melanie Griffith, Bruce Willis, Jake Weber…and now little me — who is becoming an even “littler” me under her auspices!).

1.Berrnadette now has me drinking lots of filtered water with lemon — a few liters a day. Plus she has me throwing alkaline green leafy things into the blender with my favorite fruits to make high alkaline detox smoothies. My Fave Beverage or “Green Shake It” as Berrnadette calls it: 1 cup water.; 1 large ripe pear; 2 stalks celery; 1 large handful of spinach &/or sunflower sprouts, nub of ginger and fresh lemon juice. Press blend and enjoy! Plus, whenever I’m hungry I always – and ONLY –first reach for something green/alkaline like: cucumber, parsely, spinach, romaine, arugula,etc… My skin is glowing, my waist is showing, and I feel really good!

2. Berrnadette now has me removing all alcohol, coffee, bread, gluten and dairy. It’s amazing how those tempting naughties can add on weight and bloat – and how removing these naughties can quickly make you feel so nice!

3. Berrnadette now has me exercising EVERY day. Her belief: It’s easier to do a habit EVERY day than 3 or 4 times a week. Why? Because with the latter, you often find yourself putting off till tomorrow, what you might not do tomorrow. Guess what? Bernadette is right! For me it’s been easier to work out 7 days a week than 3 days a week. It sounds paradoxical, but it’s oh so true! I’m now happily committed to waking up and working out every morning – no questions asked. And if I feel I don’t have oodles of time to do a full work out, I do a her “quickie 20″- 20 minutes worth of sit ups, push ups and yoga maneuvers in my apartment- I’m loving it!!!

More from Happy “Vibrant Body” Clients:

About Berrnadette’s  ”Raw Health and Beauty Transformational Cleanse”:

Dear Berrnadette,

Thank you SO SO much for all your time and support. I really appreciate it.I have woken up this morning and thought WHERE IS MY BELLY!?

I am feeling the effect, I feel I have lost some baggage and feel lighter, prettier and more feminine.. woohoo!!!! I am making this detox a lifestyle so I don’t go back to the old Alice but I continue to shed pounds, tone up and look and feel good ALL THE TIME.

I look forward to the maintenance tips/strategies in the last conference call! Thanks so much for ALL the wisdom and guidance. Thank you thank you thank you!!! Right green smoothie here I come!

Alice Wake,

London, England


4 Responses to Testimonials
  1. betty penotti
    May 17, 2010 | 11:43 am

    I love the website – easy to read and great information. You are not only my daughter – you are my mentor!

    Love, Mom

  2. berrnadettep
    May 17, 2010 | 3:56 pm

    Awww Mom- so happy you like it! And to think it all got started with you having all those “Prevention” magazines and Adelle Davis books around the house ~ in between the pans of ravioli’s and homemade pasta-hah! YOU were the real maverick! xoxoBerrn

  3. Penny Marie
    May 23, 2010 | 12:24 pm

    I LOVE this comment from your Mom!! So sweet. I too, spent hours pouring over “Prevention” magazines!! Enjoyed the article by Cheryl Richardson you attached… thank you for sharing and caring… looking forward to your book!

  4. berrnadettep
    May 23, 2010 | 8:01 pm

    Hi Penny~ Thank you for your kind note, sounds like we’ve been on a similar track, and look forward to staying in touch with you! Cheers and Best! Berrnadette