”There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them”
Vicky Baum
Hello and Happy Holiday Season You Shining Stars!
How are you all doing? Do you feel a sense of excitement bubbling up in you? I know many of us have had stressful events recently, with big changes afoot, or perhaps confusing episodes of “Dang, I know I need to change it up, but how?” Yet maybe, even within those pesky episodes, you’ve had a sense of ”something’s coming something new!”.
Well the world as we know it IS going through big changes. We’re all are like pioneers of a new world right now, complete with a new landscape and new maps to figure out. Could feel daunting.
Yet what if I told you we can Relax and know it’s something we’ve actually deep -down desired! What if it’s much like when we get to the new home we so fervently desired. We’re like “Phew, did that, got here!” Yet there are boxes and dissaray everywhere. Cable, phone and internet have to be installed, the heat is not working right, and somehow we’ve misplaced some important documents. There’s furniture we brought from the old house that won’t work in the new house. Yet still we know deep-down we’re in a better place than before, we just can’t see it right now!
So what do we do? Well, for starters we can simply Relax. Soften. Ease up. We can open up to and ask for the grace of the Divine. If we feel overwhelmed we can offer a simple prayer. “I’m turning this over to you dear Grace. This one is too hot for me to handle. Please show me the way now, and PS please show me loudly and clearly so I don’t miss it! Thank you for this or something better.” Another simple prayer I like is this “Dear God, please deliver this (desire) to me, or please release me from this desire if it’s not for my highest good. So be it.”
We can go for a long walk or run. We can slow down. We can take a hot bath, or call a good friend and catch up. Then from this peaceful place (and not a moment before) we can make decisions and take action on what we know to do. If we’re really stuck we can Get help.
I am thinking warm and peaceful thoughts for each and every one of you. May we all go gloriously into our new year. Keep shining your UNIQUE BRIGHT LIGHT. You know what I’m speaking of. That One Bright Thing that everyone keeps thanking you for!
If you’re not sure what that is, and would like help uncovering it, check this out.
“Synchronized Dance Moves”
It was a funny thing. We might call it Synchroncity or “Co-incident”, both of which basically mean the same thing to me: a uniting of seemingly random events that create a magical and awe-inspiring effect. (My definition!)
On the past Wednesday evening I was listening to a radio program with the excellent Dr. Christiane Norththrop. She was speaking about Social Dancing and her absolute love of it. Then on the morn of Thanksgiving, before heading out to New Jersey to join my family, I took a quick peek at my emails. One of them was from my friend Jonathan telling me he was psyched to be executive producing a documentary film about a legendary Tango Dancer who is helping a war torn city turn around by engaging their children in ballroom dancing.
My phone beeped to tell me my brother John had arrived to pick me up. I ran downstairs and jumped in the car. There was my sister-in-law Sheryl and nephew Luca bouncing and dancing in their seats. The music booming was so infectious in an instant I was dancing along with them. “What’s this great music?” I shouted from the back seat as I undulated my shoulders. “It’s music from my Salsa Class!” Sheryl shouted back. Hmm- do you see a theme starting to form here?!
We arrived at my Mom’s in NJ,and as I was helping prepare dinner my brother turned on the TV. There in vivid color was the Macy’s Day Parade in NYC. At that moment they were featuring- YES!- Dancers Twirling and dipping gleefully and gracefully with their partners! More “synchronicity”. As well, it seemed the perfect metaphor for how we were to proceed with our Thanksgiving festivities- Cha-Cha-Cha-Twirl-Dip!
Later, after a delicious meal, some old friends of mine unexpectedly popped by to say hello. I noticed my friend Maru looked especially vibrant. I knew she rode horses and was an outdoorsy kind of girl- but my home girl had a special glow about her. I asked her what she was up to and she started to practically swoon about her newfound love of- yes you guessed it- Ballroom Dancing!
Finally, when I arrived back home I received an email my friend Cathleen. She told me she was just back from a great trip to Buenos Aires, where she had flown to pursue her love and joy for Tah-Dah…Tango Dancing!
That’s SIX references to Dancing in 24 hours! I smiled as I “got the message”. For years I’d been a dancing diva. NYC and NJ nightclubs had been my “Home Away from Home”, where I danced many nights til dawn. Actually ANYWHERE there was good music I was compelled to shake a leg. But I never felt so alive and turned-on as when I was dancing FULL OUT to great music with great friends. It had been awhile since I danced with the fervor and committment of those diva days.
So late last night I turned on a favorite U-2 album. With my sweet neighbor Brittney who had stopped by to say hello, and my two pups underfoot, we cut some Serious rug. We danced through 8 straight songs, then flopped on the floor laughing, feeling giddy, and like we were 17 again.
I also felt like any dormant creative channels popped wide open and life force energy flowed through every inch of me. Wow!
Now, after the Six ”Co-Incidents” I’m also eager to give ballroom dancing a whirl. You already know I’m BIG on moving our bodies vigorously and often to keep ourselves glowing and feeling good. We can certainly get our dancing on our own, that’s fun too. But with super music and a fun partner we might well have the perfect “synchronized AND health-producing moves”.
Partner dancing also:
*Provides community (instead of the computer or TV for company we get the Real Thing) and provides a great way to
*Moves our body in many directions and wakes up all our senses.
*Is a form of fitness and recreation we can enjoy the rest of our lives.
*Engages the body, mind and spirit.
So what do you say? Shall we grab our partners on the dance floor or living room floor, and mambo, samba, tango, cha-cha and twist to our heart pumping, rosy-cheeked content? Let me know, and also let me know what “synchronicities” you’ve had recently that gave ((YOU!)) a big “Wake-Up” call!
A Favorite Natural Remedy for You!
Recently several clients told me they were feeling under the weather with upper respiratory ailments and colds. Here is my fave natural remedy for this, a tasty and fast-acting homemade healing syrup. The garlic, which is a powerful natural antibiotic, is KEY. However, if you have an aversion or allergy to it, simply add more ginger in its place.
“Sweet and Spicy Healing Syrup”
1/2 cup raw honey
1/2 cup lemon juice
5 cloves garlic (or more if they’re tiny)
1 inch ginger
1/4 tsp cayenne powder
Blend all and take a spoonful several times a day.
Put in a small glass jar and store in refrigerator.
With Love, and To your Radiant Health and Vibrant Lives!
Ps- I posted a beautiful poem on Facebook recently about “Letting Go”. If you’re not connected to me there, I’d love to invite you to join me there. Many of us are going through big changes in some area of our life right now. You might find this poem helpful (along with dancing!) for releasing what needs to be released NOW, so as to make space for your next Grand and Magnificent adventure.XOB