Hi Everyone!
The early summer has brought great new fruits and veggies onto the scene- cherries, sugar snap peas, herbs like basil and cilantro, broccoli, spinach,watermelon to name a few, and it’s fun to experiment with the “new kids back on the block”!
Here’s a couple meal ideas for what’s in season now:
1-I love to eat a whole half a watermelon alone as a meal sometimes- and if you happen to find one that has black seeds please crunch into them-they’re loaded with minerals and life force energy. It’s sounds so simple yet this is an amazingly filling and satisfying meal and you can grab one of these babies anywhere on the go!
2-I also love making a simple salad of chopped fresh raw Spinach, Cherry Tomatoes, Avocado and Baby Corn, all mixed together in a bowl, with some crunchy raw Nori crumbled over- so delicious and sooo simple! You can add other tasty items like a squeeze of lemon or lime, or some raw apple cider vinegar, some chopped onion or garlic, some basil- so easy and such a taste and texture sensation – enjoy!
3- For breakfast (and I often get asked “what do you eat for breakfast?) I’ve really been enjoying the Omega 3 benefits of the powerhouse “Chia Seeds”. I often have it in a morning cereal -(2-3Tbsp) soaked in pure water for at least 20 minutes- it will get gel-like- and that gel is loaded with nutrients! To this jelly porridge I add chopped apples (1 or 2 if small) and berries, some ground flaxseeds (2-3 Tbs), grated raw coconut ,a bit of chopped walnut, and generous shake of cinnamon. This is a tasty, crunchy, very filling way to start the day. We all need our Omega 3′s and rather than popping a pill ,or having on hand clean wild salmon which is hard to find these days- we can have a bowl of flax and chia cereal. You can soak the chia seeds overnight to save time in the morn. It’s 1 part chia to 3 parts water. Some version of this (sometimes I use just the flaxseeds without the chia- or add the other omega-rich goody- hemp seeds to it) is my favorite quick fix in the morn and keeps me full and going very the whole morning!
Of course I still love my Green Smoothie start to the day, as you can read about on my blog here, but this is another great option. Chia and Hemp seeds can be found at any health food store and for Flax seeds I like to use the Golden Flax variety. Make sure to grind the flaxseeds before using to get their full benefit.
PS-Storage of seeds and nuts: I like to keep all seeds, nuts, and butters and oils in the fridge as they can turn rancid easily. Coconut butter and oil is the exception.
Have a beautiful, peaceful day and here’s to your bliss and health!
Thank you so much for getting me started on my Green Drinks. I love it! I am going to do more with the Chia Seeds now. You are Rawsome, Berrnadette : )
Aww thank you Helen! My pleasure and think you’ll like those Chia seeds- they rock. I also like to soak the Chia seeds in a cup of water (at least 20 mins or overnight is great) then blend the seeds and soak water with some oranges or berries for a great pre-workout drink! Cheers! Berrnadette
Love the green drink and the banana “ice cream” treat…both are so good and so easy to make…very little clean up!!! YUMMY!!
Hi Penny! Glad you enjoyed the fun green drink and the banana “ice-cream” treat- and you’re finding them easy to make- yay! I like things to taste good, be nutritious and be in and out of the kitchen lickety-split so these fit the bill well!
Nice to hear from you, have a great night and will be sending on more recipes and tips on soon! xoBerrnadette