Hi Everyone!
Right now it’s pretty steamy hot here in the USA. I tend to lose my appetite when it’s this hot, or crave water-rich foods.
For this reason, one of my favorite lunches over the summer is to simply enjoy a half of a large melon (I love watermelon or canteloupe), or a big bowl of cherries as a delicious and hydrating meal. I might follow that with a simple “roll-up” meal of avocado chunks and sun-dried tomatoes rolled up in a lettuce leaf- so yum and easy!
For dessert I might enjoy a frozen banana cut into chunks, and sprinkled with a mixture of raw cacao powder, raw carob powder, coconut butter or oil, and cinnamon. This mixture is crumbly and perfect over the cool creamy banana. My family loves it and puts it under the “SUPER DELISH DISH for ALL” of my recipes. I too deem it a “must try!”
Enjoy, Stay Cool and Have a Delicious, Delightful Summer Weekend!